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By Emily Upton

Looking for a quick update to your living room interior design that won’t need a fresh home loan to finance? Indoor plants offers a quick and easy way to inject a little life into your living room: quite literally.

But it can be tough finding a plant that will fit. Here are a few tough conditions to shop for, and our suggestions to solve them.


There is some vegetation that actually thrives in these kinds of conditions.

Not everyone has the benefit of having good natural lighting for their living room. Unfortunately, not only can this make your space seem pokey, dark and small, but it also limits your choices in indoor plants. However, there is some vegetation that actually thrives in these kinds of conditions.

For example, the shade-tolerant peace lily is a hardy, gorgeous and practical choice for a living room that doesn’t have an awful lot of natural lighting. These plants not only survive but thrive in low-light conditions. The gorgeous white flowers that are produced in spring can act as an accent for a darker palette, or part of a lighter palette that tries to draw attention away from low natural light.


In modern interior design, less is usually more. However, this focus on simplicity can result in many houseplants simply not matching the theme you are trying to draw together. The silhouette and size of a plant is just as important as the colour of its leaves and any flowers.

We recommend the Madagascar Dragon Tree, a sharp, spiky and spiny medium-sized tree that is perfect for a clean-lined living room. The layering and eccentricity of the leave can help add texture and a point of contrast for your design.


You don’t need to own rural real estate in order to make plants a big part of your design.

Whether you want to bring enough a bold, bright colour to a pastel palette or a splash of colour to more neutral tones, houseplants can add gorgeous, natural hues to your interior design.

However, blooming plants can leave you with just – well, leaves, for most of the year. To get a consistent colour spectrum, consider investing in a bromeliad. These technically only flower once in their life time, but the leaves themselves can offer a spectrum of shock reds and purples. However, they do need special care, so these gorgeous plants are not for the forgetful gardener.

You don’t need to own rural real estate in order to make plants a big part of your design. Try investing in one or more of these plants to really welcome Mother Nature back into your living room.

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